Sunday 3 February 2013

Day 11: When The Water Turns To Land

The body of water that separates the North Shore from the South is called the Bay of Islands.
The place where it meets the Humber River is called Humber Mouth.

When the Bay freezes over, it turns the water into thick ice.
I like to think of the ice as land, connecting both sides.
I'm writing a song about this.

North Shore in the distance. Frozen Bay. Humber River to the right.

I washed the glass on this light fixture and now it shines brightly. 

On the porch, there were an assortment of knick-knacks. 
I photographed them before I let them go.

I kept the red, wooden, caboose birdhouse.
There will be lots of little birds in the lilac trees in the Spring.

It has been pretty cold here.
Good snowshoeing and skiing weather.

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